Monday, March 9, 2009

Terrell Owens Update...

I just found out this past Saturday that the esteemed Terrell Owens will be moving on to play for the Buffalo Bills. My thoughts on this are as follows:
1. I believe on the Bills part, this was a fantastic move. They are currently on the verge of being pushed out of Buffalo to be moved to Toronto (yuck) and could really use the press up there.
2. Last year, Buffalo looked to be one of the teams to beat starting the season off strong. However due to injury and just sheer lack of talent, they wound up being at the bottom of the NFL at the end of the season. Picking up a star like TO could only improve their team.
3. It was almost heartbreaking watching the Buffalo Bills introduce TO as their new teammate. As you may have noticed in the press conference, Terrell still refers to his supporters down in Dallas Cowboys as his teammates. He seems to really be heartbroken over what has happened to him over the past couple of days, and I hope that eventually he will be able to accept being a Bill. With a little hard work, and a lot of attitude change, perhaps it could be in the cards for TO to come back as a Cowboy in a year. His contract in Buffalo is only 1-year in length, so hang in there buddy - there could still be hope!

Below is the press conference for all of you who may have missed it. The fact that the media was able to get one smile out of him was amazing to me. I mean compare the press conference that he gives this past weekend to the press conference he gave when he became a Cowboy - definitely a HUGE difference.

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