Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 3 - Are We There Yet?!

Alright. So the first couple of days of this journey have been so far so good. My head does feel a tad bit clearer, and obviously, I am starting to feel healed. But not so fast Jess - the weekend quickly approacheth!

Lucky for me game 1 in the World Series will probably be postponed tonight due to weather conditions being TERRIBLE. However, this now puts a GIANT uh oh in my night for tomorrow. A typical Thursday night ensues with cocktails, but this week, I was planning on going straight home, hopping on the treadmill, doing some cleaning, and of course taking care of Penny and all of her madness.

But now, with tomorrow being both A. Thursday night and B. Game 1 of the World Series - what's a girl to do?! I can already tell you - I will probably be out. And where? The local bar. And who goes there you ask? Our good friend Gavin. CRAP. Hopefully temptation won't be lingering its ugly head in the bar tomorrow, and I will go home with Ashley and Ashley alone. I really don't look forward to giving away my first item of clothing - especially only after 3 days of this.

So keep your fingers crossed for me kids - because tomorrow is going to be a GIANT challenge.

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